Our Mission
Friends of China Camp is committed to keeping China Camp State Park open and thriving for our community.
The threatened closure of China Camp State Park in 2012 by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), significantly broadened the focus and mission of Friends of China Camp. Tasks went from not just supporting DPR in educational and interpretive activities at the park, but also saving the park from closure. Friends of China Camp now handles all operations and management, and is committed to keeping China Camp State Park open and thriving for our community.
Friends of China Camp welcomes everyone to China Camp State Park to enjoy our park’s stunning natural beauty and rich cultural history. We are committed to operating a park that serves our visitors, who represent many different cultures, backgrounds, and abilities, in a safe and friendly environment.
To fulfill our mission, Friends of China Camp does the following:
- Continues to increase membership from fewer than 50 supporters to nearly 3,000 members since taking over operations and management of the park in 2012.
- Partners with community, cultural, educational, and environmental groups.
- Procures financial and non-financial support from various foundations, nonprofit organizations, individuals, and businesses. Operations require $500,000 or more annually.
We work closely with California State Parks to improve efficiency of park operations.
- Together with California State Parks, we are examining ways to reduce the costs of park operations while keeping the park open and thriving 365 days a year.
We continue to develop park programs and projects for our visitors.
Our educational, environmental, and recreational programs and projects focus on the historical, cultural, and natural aspects of the China Camp. In designing our programs, we place a strong emphasis on at-risk children and senior citizens.
Public Documents
Friends of China Camp is required by law to make its annual operational reports and other key documents available to the public.