Getting Here
Directions and park details
Park Hours
Parking lots, trails, and picnic areas:
Open 8 a.m. to sunset year-round.
Back Ranch Meadows Campground
The campground is open 365 days a year. The Back Ranch Meadows Campground gate is closed from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. If you will be arriving after hours, please call 415-456-0766 or email programs@friendsofchinacamp.org in advance of your visit to get additional access information.
Driving Directions
The park is located 4 miles east of San Rafael, along the shoreline of San Pablo Bay (north end of San Francisco Bay). From U.S. 101, take the N. San Pedro Road exit. Head east on N. San Pedro Road for 5 miles to the park.
N. San Pedro Road is the main access route through the park.
Physical Addresses
China Camp Ranger Station (main address)
101 Peacock Gap Trail
San Rafael, CA 94901
Back Ranch Meadows Campground
730 N. San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94901
- do not send mail to this location (use ranger station)
China Camp Village
100 China Camp Village Road
San Rafael, CA 94901
- do not send mail to this location (use ranger station)