The largest variety of wildflowers and the most color can be found in spring, including California poppies, blue-eyed grass, shooting stars, buttercups, sun cups, blue dicks, harvest brodiaea, Douglas iris, ground iris, California honeysuckle, checker mallow, and a rare albino form of royal larkspur.
Summer offers a continuation of the spring wildflower show, with many flowers in bloom throughout the season. Sticky monkey flower is at its peak in the summertime, while many others continue to bloom from spring until well into late summer. These include coast mule ears, yellow Mariposa lily, Ithuriel’s Spear, and Indian paintbrush. The salt marshes also come into bloom at this time of year, with gumplant, alkali heath, and jaumea adding color to shoreline areas.
The quietest time of year for wildflowers, fall still has widespread sticky monkey flower in the forests and grasslands. The salt marshes still retain a lot of color, with gumplant in bloom late into the season.
The first wildflowers of the season start to appear in late winter and are a prelude to the show of color that appears in spring. Some early bloomers are footsteps of spring, star lily, and Indian warrior.
Here’s a sampling of the many wildflowers that can be found in China Camp State Park. Enjoy the show.
California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
Blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium)
Sticky monkey flower (Diplacus aurantiacus)
- Foothill shooting star (Primula hendersonii)
- Cudweed
- (Psuedognaphalium sp.
- California buttercup (Ranunculus californicus)
- Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
Blue dick (Dichelostema capitatum)
Miners lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)
- Footsteps of spring (Sanicula arctopoides)
- Paintbrush (Castilleja)
Royal larkspur (white form) Delphinium variegatum
- Pink honeysuckle (Lonicera hispidula)
Narrow-leaved mule ears (Wyethia angus tifolia)
Coyote mint (Monardela sp.)
Coastal Gumplant (Grindelia stricta)
- Mission Bells (Fritillaria affinis)