Big thanks to summer interns

Young staffers share what made the job fun

Every summer, hundreds of people turn off North San Pedro Road and head down to the beach at China Camp Village. On most weekends, the first thing they see is the smiling face of one of our summer interns. These friendly seasonal helpers, often high-school students on summer break, stand at the entrance to the village. As carloads of visitors arrive, these interns share helpful information, such as parking availability and fees.

We turned to two of this year’s interns, Abby Dupree (pictured above) and Olivia Genolio, to find out more about their summer jobs, what they learned, and what they enjoyed the most. We also want to send them a huge thank-you for all the positivity they brought to the park. Many thanks, ladies, and good luck in your next chapters.

Abby Dupree 

I live in San Rafael and I recently graduated from San Rafael High School. This fall, I will be attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I love cooking, baking, hiking, playing tennis, and just being outdoors. I also enjoy spending the day at the beach and paddle-boarding.

I found out about the FOCC intern position through a friend, whose sister previously worked at the park. I worked two days a week (about 12 hours total). I usually started my day by picking up trash at the China Camp Village, by the beach and at the upper lot by the picnic tables. The job was more fun than I thought it would be. My favorite thing about the job was the location—it was always so beautiful and the weather was always nice.

I would tell someone considering being an intern that this job is perfect if you enjoy working outdoors, being in nature, and helping people so they can fully enjoy the park.

Olivia Genolio

I live in San Rafael, and previously attended San Rafael High School. I will be starting at UC Santa Cruz this fall. A few of my hobbies include hiking, drawing, and mountain biking.

I found out about the FOCC intern position from my older sister, who worked here a few years ago. I usually worked six hours a day, on Saturdays and Sundays. My normal responsibilities included making sure the scenic picnic points were trash free, monitoring who came in and out of the gate at China Camp Village, and ensuring that visitors knew how to pay for parking. I also worked in the kiosk at the entrance to Back Ranch Meadows Campground.

Interacting with customers and other employees was fun! My favorite thing about the job was in the morning, when the park was quiet and peaceful. Watching wildlife and seeing the low sun reflect on the water brought me joy.

If someone was considering becoming an intern, I would definitely recommend it. This internship has given me so much experience that I can use in my future.

as told to Harriot Manley/FOCC volunteer