Springtime along Miwok Meadows fire road portion of Shoreline Trail by Harriot Manley

Spring 2021 News

Latest happenings in and around China Camp State Park

Friends of China Camp volunteers at Back Ranch Meadows Campground by Scott Griggs
Three Cheers For Volunteers

Shoreline Trail Gets A Makeover

Are we nuts? Learn how our band of self-described “crazies” (aka Friends of China Camp volunteers) have learned how to become experienced trail builders. Their latest feat: a total overhaul of Shoreline Trail.

Weber Point picnic area by Harriot Manley
Park Reopening Update

Trails, Picnic Areas, and Campground Now Open

As of our press date (March 2021), Marin County has entered Tier 3  (“orange tier”) of California’s State Blueprint for a Safer Economy. See the new changes below to help you plan your visit.

Grid of Back Ranch Bunch kiosk volunteers created by Sheila Coll
Meet our volunteers

The Back Ranch Bunch

On sunny weekends, there’s a near constant stream of visitors entering the park at Back Ranch Meadows, the western gateway to China Camp’s trail network and campground. Meet the dedicated members of the Friends of China Camp “Back Ranch Bunch,” who staff our campground kiosk.

Friends of China Camp volunteers at Back Ranch Meadows Campground by Scott Griggs
Wildlife Watch

Opreys get busy all around the bay

Almost wiped out by DDT in the 1960s, ospreys have made a remarkable comeback, and are now a common sight throughout the San Francisco Bay region. Hang out at China Camp and you’ve got a good chance of seeing—and hearing—these fascinating birds of prey.

Park Health

The Real Threat of Microplastics

The pandemic brought more people outdoors, to places like China Camp. Unfortunately, they also brought more litter, including dangerous plastics. Learn about this alarming trend and the risk of microplastics in our environment from our partners, the National Estuarine Research Reserve’s San Francisco Region. 

Monarch butterfly by Harriot Manley
Butterfly crisis

Western monarchs flutter on the edge of extinction

Is it too late to save the Western monarch butterfly? Recent research has shown that numbers of this iconic insect have plummeted to alarmingly low levels, especially here in Marin County. Learn why our Western monarchs have almost disappeared, and what you can do to help.

Dr Megan Saunders from CA Department of Public Health shows a vial of ticks she collected at China Camp State Park by Harriot Manley
Stay safe

Springtime Tick Talk

Springtime rains make plants grow. They also signal the start of tick season, and naturally shrubby and grassy areas like China Camp have plenty of ticks waiting for a meal. Learn from local researchers how to effectively protect yourself, your family, and your pets from these pesky parasites.

Farewell to a Friend

In Memoriam: Ernest Chung

We are sad to report that Friends of China Camp has lost one of its founding supporters, Ernest Chung. Ernest was a significant player in the creation of FOCC, allowing our organization to take over the management and operation of China Camp State Park. Ernest also helped share China Camp’s remarkable history.