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April 13, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

On Saturday, April 13, volunteers will come together to make a difference in State Parks across California for our annual Earth Day celebration! China Camp is one of 5 State Parks that will be expanding our Earth Day celebration to include volunteer projects in addition to a family-friendly open house event. We will offer guided park explorations, arts and crafts, games and much more!

Sign up to volunteer: Help complete essential projects and critical maintenance to support climate resiliency. We will clear fire-hazard brush, restore split rail fencing, remove invasive plants, and clean up our coastline. Please register on the California State Parks Foundation Website.
Free parking is available for all open house participants on a first-come first-served basis.
Questions? email Earthday@calparks.org or call (916) 442-2119.
Primary Meeting location
China Camp Village,
To participate, please sign-up on the California State Parks Foundation Website.
9:00 am – 9:30 am Open Registration & Refreshments at China Camp Village
( NOTE: If you would like to participate in the split rail or brush clearing volunteer activity, you can go directly to the Backranch Campground parking lot at 9am for registration.)
9:30am- 11:45am Split up into volunteer work groups
-Split Rail Team@ Campground parking lot; (park in en route parking lot). Ages 16+, (15 people max)
– Brush Clearing @ Campground parking lot; (park in en route parking lot) Age 12+ (30 people max)
– Invasive Broom Removal @ China Camp Village. Ages 10+, (30 people max.)
– Coastal Trash Cleanup @ China Camp Village. All ages, (25 people max)
Noon Lunch at China Camp Village
NOTE: For all volunteer events, volunteers should bring filled water bottles and work gloves.
Hours: 9am-3pm
Scheduled Activities:
(Note: Scheduled activities will be available on a first come, first-served basis. Come early to sign-up!)
9am Bilingual Nature hike in Spanish with Naturalist Marco Berger (All Ages, 30 people maximum) [9 – noon]
(Please sign up at chinacamp.programs@gmail.com for meeting location)
10:30am-11:30am: Turtleback walk with the National Estuarine Research Reserve (All ages, 20 people max); Begins at Turtleback Trailhead
11am, 1pm, 2 pm: Docent-led Museum tour (All Ages, 15 people maximum).
12:30-2:30 Wildflower Hike with a naturalist beginning at the Village (all ages, 25 people maximum)
12:30-1:30 Mini soccer relays (ages 6 and up)
1:00-3:00pm Birdwatching (in English) with naturalist Jerry Coe (Ages 12+, 20 people maximum) Begins at Miwok Meadows

Ongoing Activities:
- Arts, crafts & fun activities for the whole family
- Chinese games and activities
- Fun scavenger hunt and games