Give-back morning at China Camp

China Camp Ranger Station 101 Peacock Gap Trail, San Rafael, CA, United States

Make a difference and have fun doing it! With limited dollars coming from the State, volunteers are essential in keeping the park safe and beautiful. Come groom a trail, pull invasive weeds, split firewood, paint a fence, or do the countless other tasks that keep the park humming. Fun, interesting,... Read more »

Astronomy Program: starry, starry night

Join retired National Park Ranger Kathryn Daskal to explore the resplendent night sky on a dark, moonless night. As ancient as it is wondrous, stunning, and mysterious, the night sky is surely humanity's oldest universal resource. During this evening program, we will delve into the science of astronomy, and reflect... Read more »

Naturalist Book Club

Ends of the Earth & The Serviceberry For this month’s program we will discuss two entertaining books by award-winning authors: Ends of the Earth by Neil Shubin and The Serviceberry by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Shubin is a science writer and paleontologist; Kimmerer is a botanist, professor, and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. The... Read more »

Give-back morning at China Camp

China Camp Ranger Station 101 Peacock Gap Trail, San Rafael, CA, United States

Make a difference and have fun doing it! With limited dollars coming from the State, volunteers are essential in keeping the park safe and beautiful. Come groom a trail, pull invasive weeds, split firewood, paint a fence, or do the countless other tasks that keep the park humming. Fun, interesting,... Read more »

Give-back morning at China Camp

China Camp Ranger Station 101 Peacock Gap Trail, San Rafael, CA, United States

Make a difference and have fun doing it! With limited dollars coming from the State, volunteers are essential in keeping the park safe and beautiful. Come groom a trail, pull invasive weeds, split firewood, paint a fence, or do the countless other tasks that keep the park humming. Fun, interesting,... Read more »

San Pedro Road Closure: Marin Endurance Festival

Please be advised that San Pedro Road will be closed from Peacock Drive to the Back Ranch Meadows entrance gate on Saturday, April 12th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., due to the Marin Endurance Festival Triathlon. Park facilities along San Pedro Road will be inaccessible to the public until 1p.m.... Read more »

Earth Day Volunteer Event

China Camp Village upper parking lot 100 China Camp Village Rd., San Rafael, CA, United States

In partnership with California State Parks Foundation, help reduce wildfire risk and support ongoing habitat restoration efforts at the park. Volunteers will use hand tools to remove invasive plants, such as Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) and French broom (Genista monspessulana). Invasive broom crowds out native plants, harms wildlife habitats, and... Read more »

Give-back morning at China Camp

China Camp Ranger Station 101 Peacock Gap Trail, San Rafael, CA, United States

Make a difference and have fun doing it! With limited dollars coming from the State, volunteers are essential in keeping the park safe and beautiful. Come groom a trail, pull invasive weeds, split firewood, paint a fence, or do the countless other tasks that keep the park humming. Fun, interesting,... Read more »

Give-back morning at China Camp

China Camp Ranger Station 101 Peacock Gap Trail, San Rafael, CA, United States

Make a difference and have fun doing it! With limited dollars coming from the State, volunteers are essential in keeping the park safe and beautiful. Come groom a trail, pull invasive weeds, split firewood, paint a fence, or do the countless other tasks that keep the park humming. Fun, interesting,... Read more »

ADVISORY: Bike traffic on San Pedro Rd. due to cycling event.

San Pedro Road through China Camp State Park will be impacted by a cycling event on Saturday, May 3rd from 9 am – 4:30 pm. The park's facilities and San Pedro Road will remain open throughout the event, however, please expect increased bicycle traffic on the road during that time.... Read more »