With so many different types of visitors enjoying the trails at China Camp, it’s essential that everyone–hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians–adhere to the following rules to keep everyone safe. Here’s the general rule:
Hikers have the right of way to bikers.
Hikers and bikers must yield to equestrIans.
Here are other safety guidelines:
Only use signed, designated trails. Unauthorized social trails are illegal, damage sensitive habitat, degrade the San Francisco Bay watershed, and pose serious safety risks. See park map for designated trails.
Be courteous. All users of the trails in China Camp, including hikers, trail runners, mountain bikers, and equestrians, should be respectful of other users regardless of their mode, speed, or level of skill.
Watch your speed. While it’s good to check your speed throughout the park (maximum 15 mph), be especially careful and reduce your speed (5 mph max) around blind curves or switchbacks.
Don’t block the trail. Be aware of other users from either direction and make room as needed. Whenever possible, if you need to take a break, find a wider section of trail. In general, hug the uphill side of the the trail to let others pass.
Pass on the left. Let others know you plan to pass, and only when it is safe to do so on the left. If the trail user in front of you seems unsure or unstable, be extra careful. (Mountain bikers should dismount and walk.)
Use a bike bell. Alert others that they’re coming with a friendly ding or two. At the very least, call out “On your left,” and pass on that side.
Respect private property. Some trails pass out of the state park and into private land. Respect all “No trespassing” signs and the be respectful when traveling through adjacent neighborhoods.
For more tips, see CA State Park’s Trail Etiquette and Safety guidelines.
Additional information can be found here.